The members that form part of the IBAIA’s Board of Directors are those indicated below. In order to seek greater effectiveness, the activities of the association have been divided into different areas of work, taking charge of them the different members of the Board:
- Ms. Marian Fernandez (TXINTXUA FILMS)
(President) - D. Ricardo Ramón Gonzalez (DIBULITOON)
- Ms. Idurre Cajaraville (BALEUKO)
- Mr. Xabier Berzosa (IRUSOIN)
- Mr. Sabin Uriarte (K 2000)
- Mr. Aitor Langarica (AREA AUDIOVISUAL)
- Mr. Koldo Zuazua (KOWALSKI FILMS)
- Ms. Miren Berasategi (LOTURA)
- Ms. Leire Apellaniz (SR&SRA)
The following are also part of IBAIA:
- Mr. Ignacio Rotaeche, Secretary-General
- Ms. María Madarieta, Communication Manager